Friday, January 7, 2011

Janna Dutton - Is She Crooked?

A lot of you are telling me that you wouldn’t even consider hiring her firm because you’re afraid that she’s going to introduce Josh Mitzen (private paid guardian at $100 an hour for his professional services) into your life then you’d lose custody of your loved one. Because of these comments, I want to clear this up in regard to what happened to me.

First of all, when Ludwig hired Janna, she was a good advocate for him. I didn’t know this at the time (because I was only doing what Ludwig asked) but she was a good advocate for me as well since I was his Power of Attorney over healthcare. I never thought of her as supportive to me but in retrospect, she was.

"Snipped" (September 2008), she became a very poor advocate for her client because Josh is self-serving and wasn’t concerned about Ludwig at all. But she became a good advocate for Josh who neglected Ludwig.

My problem with Janna is that she set Ludwig up with a Living Trust which is another word for “Predatory Trust.” Snipped and the day after Ludwig transferred his money to Devon Bank, Sally Griffin (bank trustee) told me she can’t figure out whether or not she wants to keep me on since she hired Josh for my position (and I didn't know she meant as his Power of Attorney over healthcare at the time). She also couldn't figure out how to give Ludwig his own money.


I wrote Janna exactly that. (I have the letter. I also know she read it because Sally mentioned it when she told us that Devon Bank has ATM cards and she’s giving Ludwig one. Believe me, Janna had something to do with her little epiphany.) So,Snipped BUT she told them to knock it off.

Why didn’t she help them steal Ludwig’s estate from the get go if she’s so crooked? Was it too soon? Would it look like funny business was going on if she assigned her friends too quickly?

Do you want to know what I think Janna's problem is? She can’t remember her clients. If she’s not crooked, then she has a very poor memory so they (trustees at Devon Bank) laid low for a few months, thought up a lie to tell her (in order to get Josh assigned) and Janna fell for it hook, line and sinker. Ludwig’s entire estate and life went to hell in a hand basket overnight.  (I found out this is common practice at Devon Bank.  They have a three month thing with their clients, probably write it on their calendars.  Ludwig opened his trust in June, three months later, they assigned Josh Mitzen.  Same thing after they threw me out.  Three months later, Snipped.  I've also noticed this in some of their other clients.  After setting up a trust account, snipped).

Which is my second problem with Janna. She doesn’t investigate anything on her own. She doesn’t check facts or rely on her own common sense. I also told her (before I moved) that Devon Bank would throw out Ludwig’s entire estate and the extraordinary measures I took to help her keep track of it. (Lucky for her, she has me to inventory it.) But I’m telling her (the entire time) that she’s surrounding Ludwig with professional gold diggers and yet she did nothing about it other than make sure he was he was really secure in their clutches.  She was NOT his advocate.  Far from it.

In other words, the will Ludwig wrote means that he bequeathed his entire life savings and all his personal possessions to the two trustees at Devon Bank.  Janna Dutton set it up for him that way and did nothing to protect her client.  She made her friends wealthy.

That said, if you hired Janna to set up a power of attorney (or guardian), she’s not going to invite Josh Mitzen into your life. Why would she? He’s an attorney that took the public guardian quiz. That’s how he makes a living and inviting him into your life would be a conflict of interests. He's an interloper.  In my opinion, he can't establish his own loving relationships so he steals yours. 

But this is what has me so confused about Janna Dutton’s credibility. She set up a Predatory Trust (January 2008), she knew the vultures were circling (June of 2008), forced Ludwig into public guardianship (September 2008), knew they were squandering his estate (and I can't tell you how many times I mentioned this to her but it was constant) THEN in February 2009, she looked me dead in the eye and told me that she doesn't know what's going on.  She only knows what Sally Griffin and Josh Mitzen tell  her (and basically tells me that she does as she's told).  But this is not true because I told her myself (I can prove it).  Does she have a poor memory or is she also self-serving? My conclusion? Does it make a difference? Just ask yourself if you want her to set up your future and have her looking after you.  THAT is what you should concern yourself with in regard to hiring this attorney, not whether or not she's going to introduce Josh Mitzen.  (This is what I thought several months ago when I wrote it.  Janna DOES invite Josh into the lives of her clients when she knows it's a conflict of interests because he makes her money.  She can churn the bill because he causes chaos and animosity among family members and everyone else.  So, if you hire this law firm, put several zeroes behind the amount she quotes you.)

Make sure that NO ATTORNEY sets you up with a living (or predatory) trust. That’s Rick Block’s dream come true and I’m sure he’s not the only trustee that gets off on one.

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