Thursday, December 23, 2010

Marie Long on Katie Couric

You have to read this one or watch the clip.  This gaurdianship scam made it big on CBS Evening News.;contentBody

Guardianship Agency Costs Elderly Woman Dearly - Senate Investigation Finds Millions Allegedly Squandered or Stolen by Court Appointed Guardians

I'm telling you, all the Senate has to do is investigate Devon Bank to find millions of illegally obtained assets and a whole bunch of families/loved ones screaming in protest.

1 comment:

  1. I think it's long overdue for the Senators in DC to step up and announce a press conference about guardianships that the gigs up... the money party is over and the feds will be having surprise aduits of probate case files.

    What are they waiting for?

    What they knew, when they knew about it and what if anything they did about it?

    The General Accounting Office Report (based on closed cases which means 99.9% of the time the ward is deceased) was not big news via the media or the press - was it?

    We need hearings .... NOW!

    I also think it's time some of the media and press look at themselves in the mirror (they know who they are) and take some responsibility on their actions and inactions, how they decide what they want us to know..... how they decide what we need to see and read, how they present what they consider newsworthy to us.
